Children and Youth Work

Children and Worship Children and Worship

Lots of people expect children to sit down and be quiet in church, but not here at St Lawrence. We know that it’s in the nature of children to make noise and to run about, so we have created a service that lets them be children. Family Praise is for young children and their families and starts at 9:30 on a Sunday morning in the church building. This is a fantastic place for children to come along and find out about God at an early age and our hope is that they will carry on finding out more about God throughout their lives.

But the children’s work is not separate from the rest of the church, we want children and adults to understand that children are a part of St Lawrence as much as our adult members are; this is why we have Family Communion on the first Sunday of every month. We want to get the children as involved as possible, if that’s doing one of the readings or leading the prayers, if there is something that a child can do at this service we will find it and encourage them to do it.

These activities are great to bring your children along to so that they can learn more about Jesus and the Bible.

SUNDAYS (excluding 1st Sunday of month)
FAMILY PRAISE – 9.30am – 10.00am (for all families) – Church

MESSY CHURCH  4.15pm on the second Sunday of the month.  Craft, food, a Bible story and fun for the whole family.  St Lawrence Hall.

EXPLORERS – 4.15pm (one Sunday a month during term time) – exploring the Bible for 7-11 year olds.  St Lawrence Hall.

For more information on any of these activities contact Angela Hodkinson  our Children and Families Worker

3.16’s YOUTH GROUP: 5.30pm (first Sunday) (for age 11+ yr olds) – contact Chris O’Hara for details

ST LAWRENCE TODDLERS – 9.30am – 11.00am – Church Hall