Our church is open for Sunday services. Please see below for our regular service pattern. You do not have to book to attend these services.
If you’d like to join one of our services over Zoom and aren’t on our regular e-mail circulation, please e-mail admin@stlawrencebovingdon.com for an invitation.
All families are invited to Messy Church, usually on the second Sunday of the month and 7-11’s are welcome to join our Explorers Group, usually on the fourth Sunday. For details contact Angela our Children and Families Worker angela.hodkinson@stlawrencebovingdon.com
For special services and events please go to our Events page.
Regular services at St Lawrence:
On the first Sunday of the month there is a 10.00am Family Communion service. This is suitable for all ages and lasts about 45 minutes, with children’s activities and a short talk. It will be broadcast over Zoom.
On all other Sundays there will be a 30 minute Family Praise service in church at 9.30am, followed by either Parish Communion or Morning Prayer, in church and over Zoom, at 10.30am
There is also a short said 8.00am Communion service (using the Book of Common Prayer) every second and fourth Sunday